Discussiepaper "Voorzieningen openbaar stadsvervoer.

Bérénos, M. & Roos, H.B.

The discussion paper describes a further discussion of the problem of financing public transport in Dutch cities, via consideration of the goals of the "Structuurschema Verkeer & vervoer". An attempt is made to come to a general formulation of the criteria similar to them used in local public finance. The criteria should be objective character which will led to the exclusion of the changes in the level of service in the distribution of changes in the subsidy from the Government.

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B 19414 (In: B 19407 [electronic version only]) /72/ IRRD 260055

In: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk 1980 : mobiliteit, ruimtelijke interactie en vervoerssysteemgebruik : verslag van een bijeenkomst gehouden te Den Haag op 6 en 7 november 1980, p. 143-147.

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