Display technologies for variable message signs in traffic applications.

Stainforth, R.

This article compares variable message sign technologies including a) rotating planks and prisms, b) roller blinds, c) magnetic flip disc, d) lamp matrices, e) fibre optics, f) Light Emitting Diode (LED), g) Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), h) fibre optic reflective disc, and i) hybrid fibre optic LCD. Each system is briefly described and a table presented comparing a) price, b) effectiveness, c) lifetime, d) reliability, e) number of legends, f) colour capability, g) legibility/visibility, h) resolution, i) power consumption and j) free text programmability. A more detailed comparison is then made of fibre optic and LED systems. The advantages and disadvantages of each are listed. Applications for each type are suggested.

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C 20742 (In: C 20695) /73 /85 / IRRD 866075

In: Traffic technology international '94, p. 216-220

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