Dissemination strategy report. Experiencing CBT programmes In road safety in the European Community ERIC.

Lacroix, J. Turetschek, C. Christine Chaloupka-Risser, C. Janokwska, D. Monleón, C. Pace, J.-F. & Wirtz, S.

The main objective of this project is to adapt two Computer Based Training Programmes for drivers to the Austrian, Spanish and Polish traffic and driving environment. Two CBTs have been developed by DVR (German Road safety Council) and Berufsgenossenschaften two years ago: one on fatigue and driving (“Müdigkeit”) and one on driving physics (“Fahrphysik”). Both are in an early stage of implementation in the field of work accident prevention activities like seminars or workshops in Germany. These CBTs will be translated, adapted and tested in Spain, Poland and Austria. Dissemination strategies will be developed in these countries as well as recommendations for the transfer of learning tools especially for safety in the road transport sector. The acceptance of the learning tools will be tested in specific workshops and with enquiries of the workshop participants. Together with institutions and companies which will in the future implement or use these learning tools, strategies will be elaborated to guarantee an optimal dissemination. In the context of the ERIC project, it was foreseen to develop a dissemination strategy for the use and application of the adapted CBTs. The main input for the dissemination strategy came from the international workshop held in Valencia in autumn 2009. Representatives from the following sectors participated in this workshop with the purpose to provide ideas coming from different angles: * European Driving School Association; * Polish Driving School Association; * Publishers; * Research organisations; * ERIC partners; * Road safety experts. The use of the CBTs is manifold. In Germany, the CBTs are used in the work-related context in seminars and training courses which are directed to road safety officers in companies, to commuters, and to professional drivers. (Author/publisher)

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20110072 ST [electronic version only]

Brussels, European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport (TREN), 2010, 18 p., 3 ref.; Agreement No. TREN-E3-08-S-ST-S0786374-ERIC-DV

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