Do young novice drivers overestimate their driving skills?

Craen, S. de Twisk, D.A.M. Hagenzieker, M.P. Elffers, H. & Brookhuis, K.A.

In this study the authors argue that, in order to sufficiently adapt to task demands in traffic, drivers have to make an assessment of their own driving skills. There are indications that drivers in general, and novice drivers in particular, overestimate their driving skills. The objective of this paper is to study if novice drivers overestimate their driving skills more than experienced drivers. Two approaches for measuring self-assessment of driving skills are used. In the first (more traditional) approach the drivers’ assessment of their own skills is compared to the group average. In the second approach, the drivers’ assessment is compared to an assessment of an examiner. When comparing the results from the two approaches we can conclude that novice drivers are not as optimistic about their driving skills as has been reported in the past. They seem to recognize that they are not as skilled (yet) as the average driver. However, when comparing their self-assessment with their actual behaviour there are indications that they overestimate their driving skills. (Author/publisher)

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20071561 kk ST (In: 20071561 ST CD-ROM)

In: Young Researchers Seminar 2007, Brno, Czech Republic, 27-30 May 2007, arranged by European Conference of Transport Research Institutes ECTRI, Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories FEHRL, Centrum Dopravniho Vyzkumu and Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes (FERSI), 12 p., 45 ref.


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