Does answering a questionnaire promote traffic safety?

Falk, B.

This study explores if answering a questionnaire on behaviour in traffic may decrease risky driving behaviour among young males. Two studies indicate that answering a questionnaire regarding personal risky driving behaviour may result in a decrease in self-reported risky driving behaviour some six weeks later. In Study 1 participants (193 men, 18-20 years old) also reported more concern about hurting others, increased subjective probability of accidents, but less thinking about injuries at follow-up. Results are discussed in terms of the question-behaviour effect, that is, questioning a person about a behaviour can influence the future performance of that behaviour. Assuming that most young male drivers essentially disapprove of traffic violations, it is argued that answering the questionnaire served as an intervention that made attitudes more accessible and led to a polarization towards stronger disapproval of traffic violations, which in turn influenced driving behaviour. (Author/publisher)

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C 49634 [electronic version only] /81 / ITRD E216831

In: Dynamics within and outside the Lab : proceedings from the 6th Nordic Conference on Group and Social Psychology held in Lund, May 2008, edited by S. Jern & J. Näslund, 2009, p. 67-80, 45 ref.

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