Does an ecological model explain self-report motorcycle use and injuries among early adolescents?

Buckley, L. & Sheehan, M.

Psychological and social factors that might explain the likelihood of motorcycle use and motorcycle related injuries among early adolescents are relatively unexplored particularly within the Australian context. In this study an ecological approach was taken to understand such factors including individual characteristics, perceived peer behaviour, relationships with parents and connection to school. These risk and protective factors were examined in relation to on-road motorcycle riding and injuries related to general motorcycle use by 13-14 year olds. In the study of more than 500 Grade 9 South-East Queensland students, sixteen percent indicated that in the past three months they rode a motorcycle on the road. Further sixteen percent of the entire sample also indicated that they had been injured while riding a motorcycle in the previous three months. The aim of this study was, from an ecological perspective, to examine factors that explained on-road motorcycle use and factors that explained injuries related to general motorcycle use. The results are discussed in terms of the implications and directions for future regarding research and policy, in particular with regard to interventions. That one-eighth of the sample engaged in this illegal and dangerous behaviour indicates a timely need to understand motorcycle use among adolescents. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E216178.

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C 48346 (In: C 48335 [electronic version only]) /83 / ITRD E216073

In: [Proceedings of the] 2007 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 17th-19th October 2007, 13 p.

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