Does size matter? : bulky goods retail trip generation and car parking demands.

Hulbert, J.M. Pekol, A. & Kleinschmidt, L.J.

This paper details the methodology and findings of a series of trip generation and car parking demand surveys undertaken at several bulky goods retail developments within Metropolitan Brisbane. These surveys give an appreciation of local operations and demands. The paper also compares these findings with other published figures, as well as local authority requirements. With regard to trip generation, the observed peak rates were found to be at the top-end of the range of published figures. It was found that the observed trip generation rates decreased as the size of the development increased, which is not dissimilar to the trend exhibited by traditional retail establishments. Observed car parking demand was found to be at the bottom-end of the range of published figures, with a greater demand being observed on weekends as opposed to weekdays. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E212956.

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C 39621 (In: C 39601 CD-ROM) /72 / ITRD E212976

In: Priority treatment : juggling competing demands : conference papers 2005 AITPM National Conference, Sofitel Brisbane, 27-29 July 2005, p. 379-389

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