Does strategic environmental assessment change outcomes?

Partidario, M.R.

This study addresses the advocacy role that strategic environmental assessment (SEA) can strategically play towards more sustainable and environmental decision-making and how this can be achieved. It considers the required conditions for this performance and also the frustration of SEA when conditions are absent or insufficient. The SEA on the location of the new international airport in Lisbon, Portugal, is used as an example, making a difference to infrastructure development decisions. For the covering abstract see ITRD E146823

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C 49283 (In: C 49266 [electronic version only]) /15 /70 /72 / ITRD E146853

In: The future for interurban passenger transport : introductory papers and summary of discussions presented at the 18th international on transport economics and policy, Madrid, May 2009, p. 521-540

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