The door of a parking car being opened is a risk

No kerb-side parking is the key feature for perceived safety of on-road cycling facilities
Hagemeister, C.; Kropp, L.

In Germany, cycling facilities on the level of the road have become more common in recent years, and their frequency is still increasing. Cyclists prefer different amounts of separation from road traffic. Experienced cyclists who use their bike frequently for utility purposes prefer less separation than inexperienced cyclists and persons who cycle seldom and for touristic purposes. This leads to debates about whether cycling infrastructure on the level of the road can meet the demands of these different groups and under which conditions. The majority of cyclists prefer separation from motor traffic to cycling in mixed traffic. The comparison of cycle paths and cycle lanes showed that most cyclists see cycle paths as safer than cycle lanes and prefer them. On the other hand, cycle lanes allow faster cycling. With increasing levels of cycling experience, separation from motor traffic becomes less important.

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Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
66 (October)
20220054 ST [electronic version only]

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