Draft state utility pole safety program for Alabama.

Lindly, J.K.

The Code of Federal Regulations [23 CFR 645.209(k)] requires highway agencies to work with utility companies to initiate corrective measures to utility facilities that are found to be likely to cause injury to motorists. The contribution that a reduction in utility pole-related crashes could make to the overall highway safety effort in Alabama was studied, and methods of accomplishing such reductions were examined. A review of the programs of nearby states with utility pole safety programs shows that they address utility pole safety principally during state department of transportation (DOT) construction projects. Crash data investigations showed that a specific utility pole safety program would have a small effect on overall roadway safety in Alabama. Additionally, there is strong competition for safety funds. After examination of the situation for Alabama DOT-controlled roads, the limitation of pole remediation projects to active construction projects or to any sites that can be positively identified through the normal cost-benefit studies used for safety projects was endorsed.

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C 33120 (In: C 33107 S [electronic version only]) /20 /82 / ITRD E828672

Transportation Research Record. 2003. (1851) pp143-148 (1 Phot., 3 Tab., 1 Ref.)

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