DRG reimbursement for trauma : the demise of the trauma center. (The use of ISS grouping as a predicator of total hospital cost) .

Schwab, C.W. & Young, G.

As a reimbursement system, Diagnostic Related Groups (DRG) falls short of the cost of care for all ISS levels and groups. As severity of injury rose, costs increased in a linear manner, but reimbursement did not, resulting in a substantial financial loss. Based on this experience, DRG's are not capable of supporting trauma care and if adopted by other state agencies or third party payers would end the concept of the trauma centre.

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B 26261 (In: B 26251) [electronic version only] /84 / IRRD 809731

In: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 28-30, 1987, p. 159-180, 6 graph., 3 tab., 23 ref.

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