Drink-driving enforcement issues in developing best practice.

Harrison, W. Newman, S. Baldock, M. & McLean, J.

Drink-driving enforcement is a key component of road safety programs in all jurisdictions in Australasia, with comprehensive enforcement programs that seek both to apprehend offenders and to deter potential offenders. This project was established to provide information to Australasian Police organisations concerning key issues currently confronting effective enforcement programs that target drink driving. The project involved a series of activities: 1. Identification of the current state of enforcement programs; 2. Ranking and selection of specific issues for further consideration; 3. Investigation and analysis of these issues; 4. Development of some guidelines for better practice. Broad findings and recommendations are made for drink-driving enforcement program planning, management, resourcing and evaluation. (Author/publisher)

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C 27423 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E209525

Haymarket, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2003, 78 p., 76 ref.; AP-R220/03 - ISBN 0-85588-648-X

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