Drinking and driving among college students : the influence of alcohol-control policies.

Wechsler, H. Lee, J.E. Nelson, T.F. & Lee, H.

Studies have reported high rates of heavy episodic drinking and alcohol-related problems, including drinking and driving, among college students. However, most studies have been conducted in single colleges or states. This study used a national sample to examine policy factors associated with alcohol-involved driving. A random sample of full-time students (N=10,904) attending a nationally representative sample of 4-year colleges in 39 states (n=119) completed self-administered questionnaires. The questionnaire examined driving after consuming any alcohol, driving after > or = 5 drinks, and riding with a high or drunk driver. Individual-level data about driving after > or = 5 drinks were linked to information on the policy environment at both local and state levels and to ratings of enforcements for drunk driving laws. Drinking and driving behaviors are prevalent among a minority of college students and differ significantly among student subgroups. Students who attend colleges in states that have more restrictions on underaged drinking, high volume consumption, and sales of alcoholic beverages, and devote more resources to enforcing drunk driving laws, report less drinking and driving. The occurrence of drinking and driving among college students differs significantly according to the policy environment at local and state levels and the enforcement of those policies. Comprehensive policies and their strong enforcement are promising interventions to reduce drinking and driving among college students. (Author/publisher)

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C 26578 [electronic version only]

American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Vol. 25 (2003), No. 3 (October), p. 212-218, 31 ref.

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