Drinking, driving, and road side experiences : the Finnish experience.

Pikkarainen, J. & Pentillä, A.

Alcohol policy in Finland is reviewed, and some of the authors' research on drink-driving, including their `R-Study', is presented. In Finland, the import and production of alcoholic drinks, with at least 2.25% of alcohol by weight, is controlled by the ALKO state monopoly. It aims to minimise the harmful effects of alcohol, by trying to reduce total consumption and increase the share of mild drinks through various measures. After a test of its method in 1978, the R-Study began in 1989. Its principles are: (1) annual testing by one team at comparable places and times; (2) during the active test period, testing the breath of each driver passing the road block; (3) recording and interviewing alcohol-positive drivers, testing all drunken drivers, and taking voluntary blood samples from other drivers; and (4) recording traffic flows and vehicle types. The study was conducted in the province of Uusimaa in which Helsinki is located. Reliable results were obtained only when police officers had positive motivation. This is easy to achieve with good training in breath testing, especially when researchers participate on the road. Road activity has been screened about every four months since 1979. Many results up to 1991, some of which are conflicting, are presented in various charts.

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C 10506 (In: C 10471 [electronic version only]) /83 / IRRD 884448

In: Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety : proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety T92, held under the auspices of the International Committee on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety ICADTS, Cologne, Germany, 28 September - 2 October 1992, Band 3, p. 1582-1602

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