Drinking-driving countermeasure review : the Canadian experience.

Liban, C.B. Vingilis, E. & Blefgen, H.

This is a review of countermeasures implemented in Canada to reduce impaired driving and alcohol-related accidents and fatalities. Intervention strategies to detect and/or deter impaired drivers encompassed the following: legal measures; mass media and educational campaign; rehabilitative programs for convicted impaired drivers; technological aids to the prevention and detection of impairment; and systems approaches. It was found that a systems approach would be the most practical direction for countermeasure development. (A)

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C 9119 /83 /

Toronto, Ontario, Addiction Research Foundation ARF, 1985, IV + 178 p., 82 ref.; Working paper series - ISSN 0708-5133 / ISBN 0-88868-108-9

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