The drive system of the DOE near-term electric vehicle (ETV-1).

Wilson, J.W.A.

This paper describes the dc, separately excited, motor drive system of the DOE-General Electric-Chrysler Electric Test Vehicle (ETV-1) recently developed under U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) sponsorship. Engineering details of all the major drive system components, including the motor armature, field controllers, and the microprocessor-based propulsion controller, are given with appropriate design and test results. (A)

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C 4899 (In: C 4885 [electronic version only]) /91 / IRRD 860807

In: Electric vehicles : a decade of transition : selected papers through 1990 prepared under the auspices of the SAE Electric Vehicle Committee Passenger Car Activity, PT-40, p. 81-95, 5 ref.

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