Driver airbag police fleet demonstration program : a 24-month progress report.

Romeo, D.J. & Morris, J.B.

The objective of this program is to design, test, evaluate, manufacture, and install in 500 State Highway Patrol vehicles a driver airbag retrofit system. Airbag system benefits are universally acepted. However, the costs, complexities, and availabilities of these systems are widely misunderstood. This program takes much of the mystery out of the airbag and demonstrated to fleet operators and the public at large that airbag technology, components, and systems do presently exist and can be acquired at a reasonable cost.

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B 27278 (In: B 27275 [electronic version only]) /91 / IRRD 801543

In: 10th International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles, Oxford, England, July 1-4, 1985, p. 45-54

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