Driver behavior in controlling a driving simulator with varying stability.

Hales, F.D. & M.P. Jurkat.

The way people compensate their driving behaviour for degraded vehicle stability is discussed in this paper. The background of man-machine simulation and the use of driving simulators in the U.S.A. is outlined. The problem was investigated by means of a fixed base driving simulator at the Davidson Laboratory as part of a larger programme, concerned with driver behaviour. The simulator is described and the results are given from an experiment with nine subjects, driving two vehicles, one understeer and one oversteer, simulated to be travelling at 60 mile / h.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 1003 fo /83/

In: Handling of Vehicles under Emergency Conditions, Hoboken, Stevens Institute of Technology, 1969, p. 19-27, 9 fig., 5 tab., 5 ref.

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