Driver behaviour models and driver support.

Peters, B. & Nilsson, L.

Safe driving requires that the driver is in control of the vehicle and the driving situation. Driver support systems aim to help the driver and facilitate driving in one way or the other. Support systems should be a response to identified existing or potential problems. However, new technologies could make driving even more complex and demanding. Solving (Author/publisher) one problem could be done at the cost of introducing another one. Thus, we need to understand driving task demands, driver behaviour and how support systems can influence the driver's control and safety. This paper gives a broad overview of different theoretical approaches with focus on safety and advocates the use of a cognitive systems engineering approach in order to investigate pros and cons of driver support systems.

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20051216 g ST (In: ST 20051216)

In: Proceedings of the international workshop on modelling driver behaviour in automotive environments, Ispra, Italy, May 25-27, 2005, p. 77-86, 37 ref.

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