Driver fatigue in the city.

Fell, D. & Black, B.

Staff at the RTA decided to investigate the characteristics of driver fatigue accidents in cities, to help to direct countermeasures and identify appropriate advertising campaign messages to address this significant proportion of the driver fatigue problem. Accordingly, a telephone survey was carried out in the Sydney metropolitan area (i.e. the RTA's Sydney Region) by the RTA in 1995 (with the company Quadrant Research Services) to investigate the characteristics of driver fatigue accidents which occurred in metropolitan areas. The current paper provides the results of this research. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E207978.

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C 25634 (In: C 25633) /83 / ITRD E207979

In: Proceedings of the road safety research and enforcement conference `effective partnerships', Coogee Beach, New South Wales (NSW), Australia, 4-5 November 1996, p. 7-13, 3 ref.

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