Driver fatigue literature review.

McKernon, S.

This report reviews the literature on driver fatigue since 2000. Since 2000 the literature has moved on to explore driver fatigue young drivers, the use of in-car technologies for fatigue detection and mitigation, the combined effects of fatigue and alcohol, and the use of driver intoxication indicators to set and communicate standards for fatigue. A number of studies have also reviewed road safety programmes and suggested the best practices for driver fatigue versions. Given these developments, note that all key measures against driver fatigue are already well-known in New Zealand, and recent literature is largely concerned with understanding driver fatigue in more detail so as to deploy measures more effectively. As a result, this review suggests further research is required to identify: the scale and impacts of different types of fatigue for different groups of drivers so as to identify strategic priorities between small, high-risk versus larger, lower-risk target groups; an appropriate theoretical basis for programmes seeking significant social/behavioural change within driver fatigue; the specific fatigue problems and dynamics of target groups so as to identify what measures match a given target group’s problems, how to communicate effectively about their problems and how to present appropriate measures; the design of programmes against driver fatigue, including both measures against fatigue and indicators of success; avenues for developing driver fatigue regulation and enforcement. (Author/publisher)

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C 45007 [electronic version only]

Wellington, Land Transport New Zealand, 2008, 44 p., ref.; Land Transport New Zealand Research Report 342 - ISSN 1177-0600 / ISBN 978-0-478-30960-7

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