Driver needs and public acceptance regarding telematic in-vehicle emergency control aids.

Bekiaris, E. Petica, S. & Brookhuis, K.

This paper presents the strategy and results of a pan-European study that intended to evaluate user's needs regarding driving aids, especially regarding the monitoring of driver's alertness and automatic driving mode in emergency situations. This research constituted the first step of the User Needs and Traffic Safety Impact analysis of SAVE (System for effective Assessment of driver state and Vehicle control in Emergency situations) project - TR1047, that is funded partly by the European Union's Transport Telematic programme. The methodology followed included an international questionnaire survey, users interviews, organisation of Workshops and Focus Groups discussions, observations and state of the art review. In general, SAVE concept seems to be well accepted by the users and the key actors, especially its monitoring part. (A)

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C 13612 (In: C 13302 CD-ROM) /83 / IRRD 491539

In: Mobility for everybody : proceedings of the fourth world congress on Intelligent Transport Systems ITS, Berlin, 21-24 October 1997, Paper No. 2077, 7 p., 5 ref.

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