Driver training and testing: the final frontier? : proceedings of a conference organised by the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety PACTS, London, 19th February 2002.


There were seven papers presented at this conference on driver training and testing. The details are: (1) Two sides of the same coin? (F McKenna, Reading University - a PowerPoint presentation); (2) How can we improve professional driver training: (L Dorn, Cranfield University); (3) Improving safety standards - a lost cause or vital necessity? (R Elder, Civil Aviation Authority - PowerPoint presentation); (4) Training for level crossings? (M Wilsdon, Railway Safety); (5) Improving novice drivers (K Cameron, British School of Motoring); (6) Developing drivers' eye movements (P Chapman, G Underwood and D Crundall, Nottingham University); (7) Training and testing: an overview (S Stradling, Napier University). The keynote address on driver training and testing was given by D Jamieson.

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C 26078 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E118032

London, Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety PACTS, 2002, 100 p., 37 ref.

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