Driver training: here to stay - here to work?

McDonald, G.

Driver training has long been a contentious issue with high face validity and disappointing research evaluation support. Why then does the research evidence indicate ineffectiveness of driver training in crash reduction? It can be assumed that driver training will always exist. Considerations from basic principles should help the development and identification of research supported effective education and training. The behaviour factors identified through application of models such as the 'communication energy', (information detection, information processing, decision making), and the 'human model' (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) can be evaluated for amenability to alteration by education and training. Carl Jung's four functions of feeling-thinking and intuition-sensation, particularly the first pair provide a useful over-arching model. The effectiveness of education and training should be evaluated only in terms of crashes they have the potential to influence. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E208180.

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C 27281 (In: C 27276 CD-ROM) /81 /83 / ITRD E208185

In: Developing safer drivers and riders : proceedings national conference on developing safer drivers and riders, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 21 - 23 July 2002, 10 p., 5 ref.

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