The driverless, rapid transport system.

Foss, A.-G.

The first phase of the Copenhagen Metro, which has been in operation since 2002, serves 13 stations. The system is expected to be completed by 2007. The trains are fully automated and driverless, allowing the trains to be operated punctually, safely and with frequent service times. The fully automatic operation is based on the Automatic Train Control system, which has three subsystems: the Automatic Train Protection system, the Automatic Train Operation system and the Automatic Train Supervisory system. The door closing system and the control room are described. The Comet consortium was the general contractor for most of the Metro tunnels, underground stations and elevated railway. Ansaldo is the railway supplier and has built the trains. Oerestad Development Corporation owns the Metro and Metro Service A/S has run and maintained the Metro during the first five years. The trains were designed by Giugiaro Design and each consists of three cars with full access from car to car. The Metro is designed to run 24 hours a day and is expected to run every 90 seconds in the rush hour.

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I E120793 /10 /72 / ITRD E120793

Eurotransport. 2003. (1) Pp9-14

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