Drivers compliance with stop and yield signs in Jordan.

Tarawneh, T.M. Tarawneh, M.S. & Al-Bablissi, A.H.

The aim was to observe drivers' compliance with STOP and YIELD signs at unsignalized intersections in Jordan, assess drivers' understanding of the meaning of these signs, and assess drivers' perceived severity of punishment as a result of violating these signs. An observational field study, in which nearly 8100 drivers were observed at 20 STOP and YIELD controlled intersections, was aimed at assessing drivers' compliance with STOP and YIELD signs in Jordan. A survey questionnaire study, in which 1200 driver responses were obtained, was aimed at assessing drivers' understanding of the meaning of STOP and YIELD and the penalties associated with violating them. Overall compliance rates were 8 and 54 percent for STOP and YIELD respectively. Female drivers were significantly more compliant to both signs than male drivers. Age significantly contributed to compliance rates among male drivers only, with young male drivers having the worst compliance rates with both signs. The survey revealed that nearly 70 percent of all respondents knew the correct meaning of STOP and YIELD signs. However, only 20 percent knew the correct penalties associated with violating these signs. Regarding the meaning of STOP and YIELD, and the awareness of penalties associated with violating them, the survey revealed that older age, female gender, higher education, longer driving experience, and private license classification were all significantly associated with better understanding. Young male drivers were particularly the least aware of the meaning of, and penalties associated with, both signs. (Author/publisher).

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I E109007 /70 /83 / ITRD E109007

Journal Of Traffic Medicine. 2000. 28(3-4) Pp17-22 (6 Refs.)

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