Drivers eye movements : an apparatus and calibration.

Rockwell, T.H. Oterby, C. & Mourant, R.R.

An automobile driver receives more information with his eyes than through any other sensory modality. Knowledge of the visual behaviour of drivers may lead to the identification of stimulus cues used in driving. The development of measures of driver work load and fatigue, and also provide data for the design of driver aids and route information systems. Although eye-marker cameras have been used in laboratory situations for many years, their use in dynamic environments has been hindered by equipment and calibration difficulties. The recent developments of portable head-mounted units and a new stabilization technique has overcome these difficulties.

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A 1960 S + fo

[S.l.], Department of Industrial Engineering, 1968, 23 p., ref. / Highway Research Record, 1968. No. 247, p. 29-41, 5 ref.

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