The driver's license list as a population-based sampling frame in Iowa.

Lynch, C.F. Logsden-Sackett, N. Edwards, S.L. & Cantor, K.P.

Driver's license lists are infrequently used for population-based samplin, presumably because of suspicions of poor population coverage. The 1990 Iowa driver's license list was compared with the 1990 census to evaluate coverage by 5-year age group, sex, resident county, and urbanicity. Coverage exceeded 90% among 15- to 74-year-old men and 15- to 64-year-old women, with uniform coverage by county and county urbanicity group in these age ranges. In Iowa, these lists are convenient and cost-effective and appear to be representative for 25- to 64-year-olds. The representativeness of driver lists in regard to other factors and in other geographic regions deserves in further evaluation.

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941778 ST [electronic version only]

American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 84 (1994), No. 3 (March), p. 469-472, 23 ref.

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