Drivers' psychological and physical reactions after motor vehicle accidents.

Lucas, J.L.

The purpose of this study was to investigate if drivers that reported being in at least one motor vehicle accident (MVA) within the past five years would report greater psychological and physical reactions than drivers not being in an accident. Of particular interest were psychological conditions such as greater fears for personal safety, worries about driving, driver stress, exhaustion, and disproportional negative physical symptoms such as headaches and sleeplessness. A second research goal was to determine the role of gender in drivers' post-accident reactions. The study was conducted using 124 drivers. The results, using MANOVA, showed the drivers that reported being in a MVA within the past five years reported significantly greater fears for personal safety, worries about driving, exhaustion, and negative physical symptoms than did drivers not being in a MVA. Female MVA victims reported greater personal safety concerns and disproportionate negative physical symptoms than did the male drivers. (Author/publisher).

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I E118834 /83 / ITRD E118834

Transportation Research, Part F: Traffic Psychology And Behaviour. 2003 /06. 6f(2) Pp135-45 (33 Refs.)

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