Driving behaviors following brain injury : self-report and motor vehicle records.

Schultheis, M.T. Matheis, R.J. Nead, R. & DeLuca, J.

This study examined both objective and subjective measures of driving behaviours occurring in the past 5 years for 47 individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and 22 healthy controls (HC), matched for age, gender, education, and years of driving experience. Overall, subtle descriptive differences in driving characteristics were observed between the two groups. However, comparison of self-reported and documented reports of aberrant driving behaviours did not reveal a significantly greater number of accidents or violations among TBI participants compared with HC drivers. The results suggest that individuals with TBI, who successfully complete a driving evaluation program, are able to reintegrate into the driving community with minimal difficulty. (Author/publisher)

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C 35681 [electronic version only]

Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, Vol. 17 (2002), No. 1 (February), p. 38-47, 17 ref.

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