Driving behaviour: perceptions vs reality.

Wikman, J. Gray, J. & Everitt, B.

Inappropriate driver behaviour is commonly seen by motorists and road safety authorities as the major contributing factor to road crashes and this is reinforced by statistics. When the general public is asked how to address inappropriate driving behaviour, a popular response is compulsory driver training for pre-licence drivers and education/retesting for post-licence drivers. Unfortunately, it may not be as simple as this. This paper presents RACQ's views on improving behaviour amongst Queensland drivers of all ages. These views are based on RACQ's driver behaviour policies, members' feedback, research and discussions with other road safety stakeholders. RACQ will comment on the range of enforcement and education initiatives used to address inappropriate driving behaviours. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E208180.

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C 27298 (In: C 27276 CD-ROM) /83 / ITRD E208202

In: Developing safer drivers and riders : proceedings national conference on developing safer drivers and riders, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 21 - 23 July 2002, 11 p.

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