Driving with benzodiazepines : is it safe ? New study from the Netherlands examines the effects of alprazolam on driving, psychomotor performance.


In this journal article, attention is paid to a new study from the Netherlands that examines the effects of alprazolam on driving and psychomotor performance. The article also presents some background information. Some information of the researchers is presented within quotation marks. The three skills evaluated in the above-mentioned study were: motor control, working memory, and divided attention. According to the leading investigator of the research team, the huge impact of alprazolam on the "weaving index" (Standard Deviation of Lateral Position [SDLP], a performance measure used in the driving test) was the thing that surprised them most. According to the article, the researchers conclude that driving under the influence of alprazolam and other benzodiazepines should be prohibited. For a complete description of this study see C 24972 fo.

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C 24973 fo

The Brown University Psychopharmacology Update, Vol. 13 (2002), No. 9 (September), p. 1, 4-6, 1 ref.

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