Driving down the road toll : videos of lectures given as Adelaide Thinker in Residence 2011-2012.

Wegman, F.C.M.

Professor Fred Wegman is one of the world’s most respected road safety experts. Fred’s residency has focused on making our roads safer, looking at our roads, the vehicles, road users and travel speeds. This record contains his final lecture, completing his third and final visit to South Australia and has now returned to the Netherlands to write his final report. Professor Wegman has also contributed to the South Australian Road Safety Strategy and his recommendations will lead the way in reducing the numbers of deaths and serious injuries on South Australian roads. (Author/publisher) Other videos in this record are: his first lecture, and interviews on road design, road crashes, driver education, cycling safety, young drivers, safe systems, regional road safety, roads and parking, speed limits, older drivers, and road safety vox pop.

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20130292 ST [electronic version only]

Walkerville, SA, Government of South Australia, 2012, videos


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