Driving-related tasks of elderly drivers.

Gelau, C. Metker, T. & Tränkle, U.

This paper concerns the identification and analysis of driving tasks of elderly car drivers at different levels. In the first step 200 elderly male and female drivers (860+) were interviewed. The subjects were all over 60 and were selected from a random sample of elderly drivers in the cities of Muenster and Dortmund. Questions addressed different aspects of strategic driving tasks like choice of the transportation mode for different trip purposes, planning of the route, times of departure and arrival etc. Results show marked difference between drivers from rural and urban areas with respect to the use of their private car and emphazise the importance of the private car for the maintenance of elderly of elderly drivers mobility . In step two 80 elderly drivers were asked about their typical driving trips using an instrumented car. The next step was to compare driving behaviour and subjectively experienced difficulties of elderly drivers and middleaged drivers in doing tasks which were found out to be typical for the elderly in step two.

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C 6423 (In: C 6392 c S) /83 / IRRD 866350

In: Proceedings of the conference Road safety in Europe, Berlin, Germany, September 30 - October 2, 1992, VTI rapport 380A, Part 3, p. 1-12, 18 ref.

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