Driving in Somerset.

Kolowski, S.J. & Rossiter, J.

The number of drivers on our roads with dementia is likely to increase as the elderly population grows. The authors performed a retrospective analysis of patients referred to our Memory Clinic in Taunton who were still driving despite a high suspicion of dementia. Twenty per cent of the patients were still driving at the time of their assessment. Ten per cent had a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and 10% mild cognitive impairment. The patients and/or carers stated that the patient had not been told to stop driving and none of the referral letters documented any advice about driving. Referrers should advise all patients with possible dementia to refrain from driving until assessment by a specialist team is completed. They should be informed of the risk of medico-legal consequences if they continue to drive. (A)

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20010535 ST [electronic version only]

Psychiatric Bulletin, Vol. 24 (2000), No. 8 (August), p. 304-306, 13 ref.

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