Driving style, fuel consumption and tail pipe emissions : final report. On behalf of NOVEM.

Gense, N.L.J.

On behalf of the Dutch national programme called 'The new Driving Force', TNO Automotive has executed an investigation in order to determine the effects on fuel consumption and tail pipe emissions of applying different driving styles in modern passenger cars. Next to driving styles, the effects of the use of an airconditioner and automatic gearboxes were addressed as well. The final goal of the investigation was to come up with practical tips for energy conscious driving, also addressing the effects of driving styles on tail pipe emissions. (A)

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C 16096 /15 /96 / ITRD E203640

Delft, TNO Automotive, 2000, 52 + 12 p.; TNO-report ; 00.OR.VM.021.1/NG

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