Driving under the influence of psychoactive substances : `can toxicology make a contribution to the administration of justice?'.

Wolff, F.A. de

Article 8, paragraph 1 of the Dutch Road Traffic Act states, among other things, that it is forbidden to drive a motor vehicle, whilst under the influence of substance to the extent that it can reduce driving profiency. The second paragraph of this article mentions an alcohol limit value (0.5 mg per mL blood, or 220 microg per L breath) above which it is assumed that driving proficiency is reduced as defined by the act. Limit values for other psychoactive substances, such as drugs and sleeping pills are not mentioned in the act. This gives rise to the questions of whether (1) the alcohol values laid down by law are sufficiently founded by scientific data, and (2) whether scientifically founded values can be established for psychoactive substances other than alcohol. It is concluded that toxicology can make an important contribution to further defining the legal standards for the use of alcohol, drugs and psychoactive medicines by drivers. (A)

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C 10966 (In: C 10958 [electronic version only]) /83 / IRRD 491132

In: Book of abstracts of the international working conference `Traffic Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety', Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, 12-13 September 1996, p. 77-79

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