Drowsiness in driving.

Michon, J.A. & Wertheim, A.H.

This study is part of the story of fatigue as a factor in road safety. It is a study on micro-fatigue: it deals essentially with the phenomenon of drowsiness which may take possession of a driver, suddenly and unexpectedly. This brief shift in alertness-ranging from a view seconds to a few minutes appears to be quite common. Drowsiness is characterized by its fairly sudden onset.

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B 15185 (In: B 15177) / 83.2 / IRRD 257015

In: Medicine : driver fatigue in road traffic accidents : contributions to workshop on physiological, psychological and sociological aspects of the problem, Commission of the European Communities, 1979, p. 62-71, fig., 1 graph., 12 ref.

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