The DSA's School Programme.

Martin, K. & Williams, L.

The Driving Standards Agency (DSA) is an Executive Agency of the DETR and is responsible for conducting all statutory driving tests on a national basis. The School Programme was created due to the vulnerability of young drivers. Despite the relatively low numbers of new drivers, they are involved in a high percentage of all accidents. Statistics show that young male drivers are most at risk, although the girls are fast catching up. In late 1996 and 1997, the DSA created this schools initiative. 26 driving examiners were trained to become presenters. The presentation had to contain vital road safety messages. It needed to relate to the age group. BITER was contracted by the DETR to undertake an evaluation of the presentation. There are now a pool of 100 trained presenters, all driving examiners. There are 14 co-ordinators, from the more experienced presenters, whose role is to liaise with Road Safety Officers, and to manage local problems on a day to day basis. They provide support, guidance and feedback to their team. The presentation has been updated with a new style video which is more interactive and more relevant than three years ago. It delivers the same important road safety messages, to encourage young drivers to adopt positive attitudes toward road safety and safe driving. A wide range of topics is covered by the programme: (1) the importance of effective tuition and practise; (2) the driving test and beyond; (3) responsibility and attitude; (4) how to select an ADI; (5) how an ADI is graded; (6) the ADI code of practice; and (7) the log book scheme.

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C 18629 (In: C 18626 [electronic version only]) /83 / ITRD E109239

In: Proceedings of the novice drivers conference, Bristol, U.K., 1 and 2 June 2000, 5 p.

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