Duurzaam veilig voetgangers- en fietsverkeer : een nadere uitwerking van het concept `duurzaam-veilig' vanuit het perspectief van de voetganger en de fietser.

Slop, M. & Minnen, J. van

Up to now, the `sustainable road safety' concept was mainly elaborated from the car traffic perspective. Policy aims such as more concern for vulnerable road users and promoting bicycle use call for proportional attention being paid to pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Therefore, this report elaborates the `sustainable safety' principles from the pedestrian and bicycle traffic perspective. The report examines the extent to which these elaborations may produce incompatibilities with the elaboration from the car traffic perspective. The general theories are tested in a trial area located in the centre of the Dutch municipality of Gouda. The mutual contradictions between the elaborations for all three road user categories in the trial area appear to be less severe than the problems brought along by the `sustainable safety' concept as such. (A)


C 3510 [electronic version only] /21 /72 /73 /82 / IRRD 873017

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1994, 35 p., 4 ref.; R-94-67


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