Duurzame Mobiliteit: ook verkeersveiligheidseffecten in beeld brengen : een kwalitatief overzicht van feitelijke en mogelijke verkeersveiligheidswinst.

Schoon, C.C.

Sustainable Mobility: also point out the road safety effects; A qualitative overview of actual and possible road safety gains. Mobility and sustainability are of vital importance for modern society. The two are combined in the concept Sustainable Mobility: an environment-friendly type of mobility. Generally, two core notions are central in Sustainable Mobility: accessibility and attention for the environment. In this report a third notion, road safety, is added to the other two. In most cases road safety does not play a role in decision making about measures in the field of Sustainable Mobility. However, road safety is often included in intended measures as a matter of course; particularly the prevention of congestion and reduction of driving speeds. In these cases we speak of implicit involvement of road safety in Sustainable Mobility. If extra measures aimed at road safety can be proposed that reach further than what is necessary for accessibility and the environment and therefore further than the Sustainable Mobility measures, we speak of explicit attention for road safety. This report presents an inventory of whether and how road safety benefits and/or can gain (extra) benefits from measures and activities in the area of Sustainable Mobility. The estimations that are made for road safety are of a qualitative nature. Furthermore, not in all cases are the estimations based on scientific knowledge; in this inventory stage, however, this is not a necessity. The purpose of this inventory is to request attention for the quantification of road safety effects to allow road safety having a clearer future role in decision making about Sustainable Mobility.


C 50629 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2011, 49 p., 68 ref.; R-2011-23


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