DWI system improvements for dealing with hard core offenders.

Robertson, R.D. & Simpson, H.M.

This paper presents findings from the first phase of a major study that is investigating problems in the criminal DWI system in the United States. The paper focuses on the enforcement phase and examines priority problems and solutions identified by police officers nationwide in the detection and apprehension of repeat offenders. (Author/publisher) For the covering abstract of the conference see ITRD Abstract No. E201067.

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C 28003 (In: C 27945) /83 / ITRD E211105 (also at CD-ROM C 27890/C27945/C28028)

In: Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety : proceedings of the 16th ICADTS International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety T'2002, Montreal, Canada, August 4-9, 2002, Volume 2, p. 647-652, 14 ref.

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