Dynamic injuries.

Muller, J.T.

Sometimes it seems puzzling to fit together the injuries sustained in a car crash were the passenger survives and the fact that the belt is broken by the impact. Dynamic injuries or injuries caused by forces which act only for a limited period of time appear to be much milder when considering the peak forces which are involved. The relationship of the impulse or the transient force operating over the impulse time interval and the reaction of some parts of the human body are the subject of this paper. The specific section here is the hip section of a male passenger.

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B 10182 (In: B 9554 [electronic version only]) /84.1/91.2/

In: Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine AAAM, Alamogordo, November 10-11, 1966, p. 135-140, 2 fig., 5 graph.

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