Dynamic sled testing of child restraints.

Kelleher, B.J. & Walsh, M.J.

Child restraint performance in frontal and lateral crash simulations is presented and discussed based upon tests conducted on the Calspan HYGE acceleration sled. Differing acceleration pulses for frontal tests were used to evaluate the pulse shape effect upon the child restraint systems. Two types of three-year-old size anthropometric test devices (ATDs) were used and restraint systems were intentionally improperly installed in an effort to ascertain the potential hazard to the child occupant from improper installation. Data obtained include head excursion, head and chest triaxial accelerations, Head Severity Index (HSI) and Chest Severity Index (CSI) values for the ATDs. High speed movie coverage produced dummy kinematic results. From the results of this study comparisons are made between the effects of different pulse shapes, the effects of different ATDs on restraint performance and the dynamic performance of the ATD/restraint complex under both proper and improper system installation. FMVSS 213 and Canadian P.C. 1974-1013 dynamic performance criteria are discussed in light of the findings of this study.

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B 14699 fo /91.1/

Warrendale, PA, Society of Automotive Engineers SAE, 1979, 24 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.; SAE paper 790073.

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