Dynamische snelheidsinformatie bij wegwerkzaamheden werkt! : effect getest in Noord-Brabant.

Geluk, L. Broecks, J. Koster, J. & Kaasenbrood, R.

At the end of 2001, a practical test with dynamic speed information (DSI) was successfully conducted at six locations in the Dutch province of Noord-Brabant. By interactively confronting drivers with their speed, speed reductions to 17% were achieved using this fixed digital signing system. During the practical test the question arose as to whether a mobile version could be useful at roadworks. Because DSI had never before been applied at roadworks in the Netherlands, it was decided to perform a practical test. The practical test was conducted at roadworks along a provincial road in Noord-Brabant in 2002. A mobile DSI system, an existing DSI sign fastened on a trailer, was used. The aim of this practical test was to gain an insight into the effect of the DSI trailer on traffic safety and flow around roadworks. An important conclusion was that experts view the DSI trailer as a good supplement to current safety measures. Experts in the field of road safety at roadworks expect a reduction in the annual number of accidents with road workers by a broad application of the DSI trailer.

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C 25125 [electronic version only]

Verkeerskunde, Vol. 54 (2003), No. 2, p. 48-53, 2 ref.

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