Dynatest Pavement Management Systems PMS : experiences from abroad.

Schmith, N.B. & Lund, B.

The paper gives an introduction to the Dynatest PM System, and also examines some aspects about which problems to take into account when implementing an existing full scale Pavement Management System (PMS) on a road network with different conditions. The paper is based on experiences from implementing Dynatest PMS to the road network in the City of Sheffield, England. (A) The German title of this article is: Strassenerhaltungs-System von Dynatest : Erfahrungen von Ausland.

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C 5257 (In: C 5225 a) /61 / IRRD 865200

In: Roads help to integrate : proceedings of the East-West European Road Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 22-24 September 1993, Volume 1, p. 347-350, 2 ref.

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