E-business impacts for urban freight.

Ferreira, L. Smith, N. & Marquez, L.

E-Business is expected to dramatically change the way business is conducted internationally, nationally, within states and at the local area level. E- business is defined as including e-commerce, either between Businesses to Business (B2B) or Business to Customers (B2C), and the adoption of electronic technology within businesses. This paper presents some results from a study commissioned by the Australian National Transport Secretariat (NTS) to assist Australian business and government pro-actively address the transport issues arising from e-business. The study sought to investigate three principal questions on e-business impacts: how will the transport task change; what will be affected; and how can the transport system respond?. The results of the study suggest that e-business will have implications for urban freight including higher levels of demand for goods and services, increased requirements for logistics distribution, changes in location preferences and improved transport network performance. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E206301.

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C 43586 (In: C 43510 CD-ROM) /72 / ITRD E207945

In: CAITR 2001: [proceedings of the] 23rd Conference of Australian Institutes of Transport Research, 10-12 December 2001, 2002, 12 p., Session 9, 20 ref.

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