The economic burden of traffic crashes on employers : costs by state and industry and by alcohol and restraint use.

Zaloshnja, E. & Miller, T.R.

Employers pay for injuries that occur on- and off-the-job. The report provides employers with the specific costs of motor vehicle crash injuries by state and by industry type and includes estimates of alcohol involvement and restraint non-use. Motor vehicle crash injuries on- and off-the-job cost employers about $60 billion annually in 1998-2000. Off-the-job injuries to workers and their dependents represent one-third of those costs. Although motor vehicle injury costs to employers vary widely by state and industry, this report demonstrates that increasing restraint use and reducing alcohol impaired driving have the potential for significant cost savings. This report updates the national estimates of employer costs of crashes presented in NHTSA’s 1996 report “What Do Traffic Crashes Cost? Total Cost to Employers by State and Industry.” (Author/publisher)

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C 27479 [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 2003, 18 p., 14 ref.; DOT HS 809 682

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