Economic criteria for determining the capacity of goods transport by road with a view to obtaining an optimum balance between supply and demand. Report of the 11th Round Table Conference on Transport Economics, Paris, February 4-5, 1971.

Noortman, H.J.

Factors of supply and demand in the economic position of the transport industry are reviewed. Some other aspects discussed are diseconomies of scale, qualitative and quantitative restrictions on entry to the market, investment and government policy. The outline of making a transportation model is presented.

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B 2619 (In: B 2618 S) /72.6/

In: Economic criteria for determining the capacity a) of goods transport by road; b) of the fleet of inland waterways; with a view to obtaining an optimum balance between supply and demand. Reports of the 11th and 12th Round Table Conference on Transport Economics, Paris, February 4-5, and March 4-5, 1971, p. 1- 42, fig., tab.)

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