The economic effects of road safety improvements : an insurance claims analysis.

Feber, D.J. Feldmeier, J.M. & Crocker, K.J.

This article demonstrates the feasibility of exploiting insurance claims data to estimate the marginal benefits to society of highway infrastructure improvements. We construct a unique database linking claims expenditures for a major auto insurer in Michigan to infrastructure investments at 62 intersections in the City of Detroit, and conclude that the addition of a left-turn lane, or left-turn phase in the signal, decreases the insurer's average monthly claims costs at a representative intersection by $944 or $1,062, respectively. The evidence also indicates that these cost savings are a result of reductions in accident severity, rather than being a consequence of fewer accidents. (Author/publisher)

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C 27463 [electronic version only]

Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. 70 (2003), No. 4 (December), p. 651-664, 12 ref.

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